Elektronik Ticaret Hukuku: Ticari Elektronik İletiler (2. Baskı)
“Elektronik Ticaret Hukuku: Ticari Elektronik İletiler” kitabım 2. baskısı On İki Levha Yayıncılık tarafından yayımlanmıştır. Çalışmamın hem doktrine hem de uygulamaya faydalı olmasını dilerim!
Elektronik Ticaret Hukuku: Ticari Elektronik İletiler kitabı, E-Ticaret Kanunu ile düzenlenen ve İleti Yönetim Sistemi (İYS) ile farklı bir boyuta taşınan ‘ticari elektronik iletiler’ konusunu teknik ve hukuki boyutlarıyla ele almaktadır. Çalışmada, Amerikan Hukuku ve Avrupa Birliği Hukuku başta olmak üzere mukayeseli hukuktaki güncel gelişmelere yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca, 6563 sayılı Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun ile 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu arasındaki ilişki etraflıca ele alınmıştır. Ticari elektronik iletiler alanında en güncel gelişmeleri yansıtmayı amaçlayan bu çalışmada ele alınan başlıca konular:
Kitabı satın almak için: https://www.hukukmarket.com/elektronik-ticaret-hukuku-ticari-elektronik-ileti-25573.html
§1. Giriş ve Konunun Takdimi
§2. Amerikan Hukuku
I. The Federal Trade Commission Act
II. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act
III. The Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act
IV. The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM Act)
V. Truth in Caller ID Act
VI. Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act (TRACED Act)
§3. Avrupa Birliği Hukuku
I. Avrupa Birliği Veri Koruma Direktifi
II. Avrupa Birliği Mesafeli Satışlarda Tüketicilerin Korunmasına Dair Direktif
III. Avrupa Birliği E-Ticaret Direktifi
IV. Avrupa Birliği Elektronik Haberleşmede Kişisel Verilerin İzlenmesi ve Mahremiyetin Korunması Direktifi
V. Avrupa Birliği Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü
§4. Muhtelif Ülke Düzenlemeleri
I. Avustralya
II. Güney Kore
III. Kanada
IV. Nijerya
§5. Türk Hukukunda Ticari Elektronik İletiler
I. Ticari Elektronik İletilere İlişkin Düzenlemenin Amacı
II. Ticari Elektronik İletilere İlişkin Düzenlemenin Kapsamı
III. Ticari Elektronik İleti
IV. Ticari Elektronik İletiye İlişkin Temel Kural: Onay
V. Onay İstisnaları
VI. Onaya İlişkin Kurallar
VII. İletilerde İçerik Kuralları
VIII. Ticari Elektronik İletiyi Reddetme Hakkı
IX. Aracı Hizmet Sağlayıcıların Ticari Elektronik İletilere İlişkin Temel Yükümlülükleri
X. Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Yükümlülüğü
XI. İspat Yükümlülüğü ve Kayıtları Saklama Süresi
XII. Geçiş Süreci
XIII. Ticari Elektronik İletinin Şikâyet Edilmesi
XIV. Ticaret Bakanlığı’nın Denetim Yetkisi
XV. Yaptırımlar
§6. İleti Yönetim Sistemi (İYS)
I. Genel Olarak İYS
II. Hizmet Sağlayıcılar ve İYS A.Ş. Arasındaki İlişki
III. İYS A.Ş.’nin Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Politikası
IV. İYS’nin Değerlendirilmesi
§7. Elektronik Haberleşme Alanında Ticari Elektronik İletiler
I. 809 sayılı Elektronik Haberleşme Kanunu’nda Yer Alan İletilere İlişkin Düzenlemeler
II. Arayan Hat Kimliği (CLI) Alanında Düzenlemeler
III. SMS Hizmetleri Alanında Düzenlemeler
§8. Siyasi Propagandalara İlişkin Düzenlemeler
§9. Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Hukuku Bağlamında Ticari Elektronik İletiler
I. 16.10.2018 tarih ve 2018/119 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
II. 31.05.2019 tarihli ve 2019/159 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
III. 31.05.2019 tarihli ve 2019/162 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
IV. 31.05.2019 tarih ve 2019/166 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
V. 08.07.2019 tarih ve 2019/204 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
VI. 18.09.2019 tarihli ve 2019/276 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
VII. 01.10.2019 tarih ve 2019/297 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
VIII. 07.11.2019 tarihli ve 2019/332 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
IX. 14.01.2020 tarihli ve 2020/20 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
X. 16.01.2020 tarih ve 2020/34 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
XI. 27.01.2020 tarih ve 2020/67 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
XII. 27.02.2020 tarih ve 2020/173 sayılı KVK Kurulu Kararı
XIII. KVK Kurulu Kararları Çerçevesinde Genel Değerlendirilme
§10. Ticari Elektronik İletilerde İspat Sorunu
§11. Onaylı İleti Sistemine İlişkin Değerlendirmeler
§12. Sonuç
EK I – Ticari Elektronik İletilere İlişkin Süreler
EK II – Güncel İdari Para Cezaları
EK III – 6563 sayılı Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun
EK IV- Elektronik Ticarette Hizmet Sağlayıcı ve Aracı Hizmet Sağlayıcılar Hakkında Yönetmelik
EK V – Ticari İletişim ve Ticari Elektronik İletiler Hakkında Yönetmelik
EK VI – İleti Yönetim Sistemi Temel Hizmetler Kullanım Taahhütnamesi
With the proliferation of information and communication technologies, in particular, the possibility of perpetually being online by virtue of mobile devices, advertisement and marketing activities have been channelized to these new platforms. Besides making nuisance calls, sending emails or short messages every day, transmitting messages to random persons passing through a certain point via wireless communication systems (e.g. by means of push notification and geo-fencing methods) becomes increasingly common. In the same direction, the use of WhatsApp for commercial communication is on the rise.
Unsolicited commercial messages, commonly known as “spam”, have rapidly become one of the most persuasive intrusions on the lives of Internet users. It is argued that the volume of spam has been rapidly increasing year after year and currently accounts for over half of all global internet traffic. The proliferation of spam and the threat it poses to consumers, businesses, service providers, and the very medium of email and other messaging systems have become a common global problem.
Diverse methods and techniques are used to regulate electronic communications. The main reason for the diversity stems from the approach with regard to the nature of electronic communications. In the United States, commercial electronic communications are primarily addressed in the context of commercial freedom of expression, while the epicenter of that of the European Union is the protection of personal data.
In the United States, federal regulations such as Telephone Consumer Protection Act, Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act, Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act, Truth in Caller ID Act, Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act (TRACED Act) and various case law govern the main rules and principles of commercial electronic communications.
In a nutshell, the main approach of the US for electronic communications is an opt-out system. Commercial electronic communications are examined under the commercial speech doctrine. The regulations set up a scheme for regulating commercial communication and other various types of commercial electronic messages, including but not limited to telephone calls, email, SMS messages and fax.
It is noteworthy that the regulations prohibit the use of false or misleading header information or any deceptive subject lines, require the senders to identify the message as an ad, require the sender to inform the recipient about his address, mandate the recipients how to opt out of receiving future email from the sender, honor opt-out requests promptly and monitor what others are doing on behalf of an economic entity.
The European Union, on the other hand, adopts a strict opt-in approach when it comes to commercial electronic communications. Regulations such as Directive 97/7/EC on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts, Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the internal market (i.e. E-Commerce Directive) Directive 97/66/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the telecommunications sector (i.e. E-Privacy Directive) deal with different aspects of commercial electronic communications. By the promulgation of the General Data Protection Regulation, E-Privacy Directive (also known as Cookie Directive after 2009 amendments) awaits a major reform that will create a uniform and consistent legal framework.
While the regulation for electronic commerce has been the main impetus of regulation in Turkey, commercial electronic communications have also entered into the radar of data protection regulations in recent years, mostly influenced by the European Union’s approach. Turkey, though, has adopted a stricter opt-in approach.
Both Electronic Commerce Law and Data Protection Law regulate commercial electronic communications from different aspects. The Ministry of Trade imposes sanctions in the context of electronic commerce, whereas the Turkish Data Protection Authority penalizes any breach from a data protection perspective in a wider context.
There is also an on-going project for establishing a central opt-in system (so-called the Commercial Electronic Communications Management System or IYS), similar to DO-NOT-EMAIL or DO-NOT-CALL registries in the US and Australia or Robinson Lists in the Europe. The centralized system, i.e. IYS, will be used for obtaining, exercising and tracking the opt-in/opt-out requests as well as managing complaints with regard to commercial electronic communications.
The main reason for this strict approach stems from the fact that the use of commercial electronic communication in a deceptive and abusive way is a highly widespread practice in Turkey. Nevertheless, the existence of two distinct regulations on the same topic adds a layer of complication to service providers and entities using the direct marketing method.
The main purposes of this work are to examine how commercial electronic communications are regulated under the Turkish law and comparative law, providing an overview of the underpinnings of regulations in different jurisdictions; to resolve the relationship between the Turkish Data Protection Law and the Turkish Electronic Commerce Law, which essentially form the legal framework governing electronic-commerce law, internet law and data protection law in Turkey, to examine the inconveniences of proof in terms of internet law, and to discuss the appropriateness of all regulations with regard to commercial electronic communications, while questioning the deterrence of such regulations. In light of the outcomes of discussions under comparative law, the work aims to identify possible options for developing a new model that balances competing interests in an equitable way.
This work does not aim to provide an economic analysis of spam, nor does it provide an extensive economic analysis on the implications of the use of unsolicited electronic communication. Furthermore, the research does not include empirical work analyzing the impact of rules on unsolicited electronic communication and practices in terms of effectiveness.